[Battle Opponent Preview] The Challenger's Wings🪽 'Unholy' Dance Performance | ONESHOT Crew

[Battle Opponent Preview] The Challenger's Wings🪽 'Unholy' Dance Performance | ONESHOT Crew

ARTBEAT DANCE VIDEO 🆎 멤버십에 가입해 ARTBEAT를 후원해 주세요!!    / @artbeat.official   🆎 Please support ARTBEAT by joining a channel membership!! 0:00 Intro 2:10 ‘Unholy' Dance Performance Music : Sam Smith - Unholy Performance Director : 가현 GaHyun (IG : @nemo._gh) Choreogrphay : ONESHOT Crew Dance Team : ONESHOT Crew (‪@ONESHOTcrewofficial‬) Camera / Edit : Junseok Kim (IG : @ette.junseok) ✉️Business Contact : [email protected] ONESHOT Crew Instagram :   / oneshot_crew_   ARTBEAT Instagram :   / artbeat.movie   ARTBEAT Tiktok :   / artbeat.official   #ARTBEAT #ONESHOT #Unholy #원샷크루