Body Swap! Grinch and Buddy the Elf Swap Bodies!
Body Swap! Grinch and Buddy the Elf Swap Bodies! What happens when a Christmas character that loves Christmas and a Christmas character that doesn’t like Christmas swap bodies? Watch to find out as the Grinch and Buddy the Elf swap bodies in this hilarious and heartwarming Fun Squad Christmas special! Fun Squad MERCH: https://www.TheFunSquadStore.com Check Out Our Other Fun Squad YouTube Channels Here: Fun Squad Family: / @funsquadfamily Jazzy Skye: / @jazzyskye Jack Skye: / @jackskyeofficial Kade Skye: / @kadeskye Fun Squad Website: https://www.TheFunSquad.com Fun Squad Social Media: Instagram: / funsquad Business email: [email protected] Fan email: [email protected] Mailing address: PO Box 941, Riverton, UT 84065