The Dangerous Split Worm Attacks! : Silent Hill 3 | Part 2

The Dangerous Split Worm Attacks! : Silent Hill 3 | Part 2

In this video we continue our playthrough of a critically acclaimed horror video game, Silent Hill 3. Heather finds herself inside a clothing store in the Otherworld of the Central Square Shopping Mall. making our way around, we find a bulletproof vest, and a coat hanger. Backtracking because we have nowhere else to go, it looks like we find ourselves in a classroom. There is a ladder somewhat out of reach, but with our quick thinking, we use the hanger to fish the ladder down. Climbing up to the next floor, we find bodies on Stretchers everywhere. We follow the sound of a television, a bunch of static is clearing in the screen. As we take a closer examination, it seems eerily familiar... Is that Cheryl calling for Harry Mason? with questions flooding our mind, we do to the next room. we are immediately ambushed by a group of numb bodies! We defend ourselves with a knife and move on. Just as we think we're safe a Closer charges at us! Gunning it down with bullets, we make it out, alive. We enter another door, this time it looks like we're in a jewelry store. Strange enough, there is a walnut in the display case. Maybe Heather is hungry, because she decided to take it with us. Heading up the escalator to the third floor, we enter a restaurant. It actually seems quite peaceful, until we turn to see a dog cooked on the dining table. Under close inspection, we find a cooked key in it's stomach. We use the key to enter the Cafe. Steam is rushing out of a nearby pipe, we pick it up, and aquire this new weapon! We then find ourselves unable to progress any further without getting rid of a wall of moths/butterflies. We need some sort of insecticide, but unable to find any, we mix our own concoction of detergent and bleach. Able to continue other journey, we are chased by a horde of monsters, from the beginning of the game! Running past, somehow we find an unlocked door, to safety. There is a bloodied vice in the table, and we take our chance to open the walnut. Instead of a delicious nut inside, we find a moonstone. Remembering we passed a door with an indent and a crescent moon, we head back. instead the stone into the door unlocked it, and find ourselves in front of a giant ladder, leading into a dark abyss. Once at the bottom, the ladder breaks, and there are tunnels all around us. We hear a noise come from the nearby tunnel, and suddenly something large emerges! It's the Split Worm! looks like it's time to take down this boss! Find out what happened next in this episode! Thank you so much for watching, and I hope you have a wonderful day! #horrorletsplay #ps2 #silenthill3 #silenthill #scarygames #scarygaming #horrorgaming #horror