Avatar the Last Airbender Book 2 Episode 14 Reaction - First Time Minty Reacts

Avatar the Last Airbender Book 2 Episode 14 Reaction - First Time Minty Reacts

The Gaang have finally arrived in Ba Sing Se, but things aren't what they appear to be. Can they get a meeting with the king or will they be stopped by the city? Let's find out on this first time Minty Reacts to Avatar the Last Airbender! Want more reactions? Watch them here! Arcane:    • Arcane   Vox Machina:    • Legend of Vox Machina   Bad Batch:    • Bad Batch   Dragon Age Absolution:    • Dragon Age Absolution   Tales of the Jedi:    • Tales of the Jedi   #mintyreacts #avatarthelastairbender #reaction #firsttimereaction