BioShock 2 Remastered Platinum Trophy Guide 05 / Fontaine Futuristics

BioShock 2 Remastered Platinum Trophy Guide 05 / Fontaine Futuristics

BEST WAY TO SUPPORT SOG ►   / squareonegames   ----- TIMELINE 0:00:00 Diary * Alone at Last 0:00:20 Airlock Control 0:00:55 Airlock Control 0:01:28 Combat / Security Bio-Scan / Alpha Big Daddy (Boss) 0:05:09 Diary * Agnus Dei / Agnus Dei (use) / Voice Activated Switch 0:06:34 Agnus Dei (use) / Voice Activated Switch 0:07:43 Diary * Means of Control 0:07:59 Sister (adopt) 0:08:45 Adam * Gather (Pick Up) 0:11:22 Adam * Gather (Pick Up) 0:13:23 Adam * Sister (rescue) 0:13:43 Diary * A New Cognitive Model / Drill Power 2 (equip slot 11) / Combat 0:14:28 Signal Relay 01 0:15:11 Diary * Life After Sisterhood 0:16:25 Diary * Source of Volunteers 0:17:11 Signal Relay 02 / Hack Panel 0:17:51 Signal Relay 03 / Conspicuous Boar Mount (turn) / Diary * Goodbye to Fontaine 0:19:02 Code (5254) / Diary * Prototype 0:20:07 Combat 0:23:19 Signal Relay 04 0:24:10 Agnus Dei (use) / Voice Activated Switch 0:24:25 Upgrade * Speargun Zoom Increase / Mini Turret / Plasmid Laboratory Access 0:25:19 Diary * Abort the Experiment 0:25:50 Check * Fontaine Futuristics x9 0:26:18 Airlock Controls 0:27:18 Diary * Solving for X / ! * RAPTURE HISTORIAN - Found 100 audio diaries / Circuit Breaker 01 0:28:11 Circuit Breaker 02 0:28:30 Power Mains Switch 0:28:44 Adam-Infused Plant 01 / Diary * Gil’s Place in the Plan (extra - if you missed one) / Combat 0:30:28 Adam-Infused Plant 02 / Combat 0:32:05 Sister (adopt) 0:33:12 Save 0:33:33 Kills * Farm (tmax 50 kills) / ! * LOOK AT YOU, HACKER - Killed 50 enemies using only hacked Security 0:35:19 Adam * Gather (Pick Up) 0:37:52 Adam * Gather (Pick Up) 0:39:46 Adam * Sister (rescue) 0:40:13 Adam-Infused Plant 03 / Combat 0:40:39 Telekinesis (use) / Auto Hack Dart / Auto Hack Dart (use) / Door Control (door needs to be open before you leave) 0:41:13 Sister (adopt) 0:41:31 Adam * Gather (Pick Up) 0:44:42 Adam * Gather (Pick Up) 0:46:47 Adam * Sister (rescue) / ! * DEALT WITH EVERY LITTLE SISTER - Dealt with every Little Sister 0:47:08 Adam * Big Sister 0:48:28 Switch / Adam-Infused Plant 04 0:50:03 Upgrade * Speargun Damage Increase 0:51:12 Sample Injection Controls / Combat / Genetic Sample Extraction / Gil’s Genetic Key 0:53:44 Sister * Fontaine Futuristics x3 0:53:58 Check * Thuggish Splicer, Leadhead Splicer, Houdini Splicer, Spider Splicer, Big Daddies, Security, Alpha Series (complete) 0:54:22 Airlock Control 0:54:57 Airlock Access Panel / ! * FOUND LAMB'S HIDEOUT - Gained access to Lamb's stronghold 0:55:21 Airlock Control 0:55:37 Elevator Button / ! * SAVIOR - Saved every Little Sister and spared Grace, Stanley and Gil