STOP WORRYING! Only 1% Of CHOSEN ONES Carry This Rare Sign | C.S. Lewis

STOP WORRYING! Only 1% Of CHOSEN ONES Carry This Rare Sign | C.S. Lewis

STOP WORRYING! Only 1% Of CHOSEN ONES Carry This Rare Sign | C.S. Lewis Destiny chooses you; it doesn't provide a guide. Instead, it gives you hints and signs. Don't dismiss these indications as mere coincidences; recognize them and explore their depths, for they can unveil the path to your destiny. You are authentic. Here are the indications that you are a chosen one: You are the kind of person who can't fake authenticity. If something seems wrong, you'd rather get out of the situation than fabricate your response. Dishonesty doesn't align with your character; it seems inherently wrong. You also find it difficult to connect with people who lack sincerity. Whether they prioritize material goods, indulge in gossip, or exhibit intimidating behavior, you simply can't establish a relationship with them. This authenticity sets you apart, attracting others to your genuine nature and creating meaningful connections based on trust and honesty. Your presence illuminates a world often overshadowed by pretenses and falsehoods. Your commitment to authenticity is a beacon for others looking for genuine connections and truth. ► Music Licensed From SoundStripe/Envato Elements Lewis' Path is a channel devoted to sharing uplifting messages that aim to bless the days of our viewers and community. "Lewis' Path is a channel dedicated to sharing uplifting messages to inspire and bless our visitors and community members daily. We post new videos every day. The Bible, containing the Word of God, remains central to everything we do. Who are we? We are simply children of God, just like you." ©Copyright: If you are the owner of the video and want us to remove it, or have copyright issues, please contact✉: [email protected] Follow us on Social Media: Subscribe:    / @lewispath   Facebook:   / lewispath   Tiktok:   / lewispath   Website: #cslewis #christianity #lewis #lewissermon