CLEANSES from Everything BAD in 10 minutes (VERY MUCH) Burn DAMAGE, EVIL EYE, INSULTS and CURSES

CLEANSES from Everything BAD in 10 minutes (VERY MUCH) Burn DAMAGE, EVIL EYE, INSULTS and CURSES

Resentments and negative energy accumulate in us, every day throwing firewood into the fire of despondency and anger. From an energy point of view, it is extremely important to get rid of all this as soon as possible, because our health and luck suffer from negative energy. In such situations, use this video program! Cosmoenergetic music will completely cleanse your mind and body from the accumulated negativity, damage, evil eye, insults and curses. And a special sound frequency will lead to calmness at the energy and hormonal level. Your body is synchronized with consciousness! Try it, spend just 10 minutes listening and you will feel relaxed and calm! After 9 days of full listening, a video session will cleanse you of negative energy and remove all unnecessary thoughts. This way you will have the opportunity to attract the right thoughts that will make luck your regular guest! The video uses: binaural rhythms, cosmoenergetic music, vibrations of the matter of the subtle world! 🎧 It is recommended to use headphones. For more video programs, please subscribe to my channel here:    / @ankhg   The second Channel:    / СилаАнха   The third Channel:    / ГолосАнха   Vkontakte group: Odnoklassniki group: For those who want to financially support our channel: The song "P C III - A.W.A.R.M. Signal (Background ambient instrumental music for studying)" By Pipe Choir Records is licensed under a Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0 Original version:   / awarm-signal