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#냉동실정리#브라운핸드블랜더#브레빌쥬소기#쿠친아트쥬서기#쿠쿠제빵기사과잼 살림을 좀 편하게 할수 있는 주방기계 몇가지를 소개합니다~ 그리고 냉동고 언에 있는 물건 빼는게 불편해서 서랍으로 정리를 해 봤어요~ 냉동고에 맞는 컨테이너 구입해서 2차 냉동고 정리 영상과 냉장고 정리 영상도 기대해주세요~~~ Here are some kitchen gadgets that can make living a little easier And it was inconvenient to take out things from the freezer, so I organized them in a drawer Buy a container that fits your freezer and watch the video of organizing the second freezer Please look forward to the refrigerator cleaning video too Organize the freezer, organize in drawers, Braun hand blender set, Breville juicer, Cuisinart citrus juicer, Cuckoo bread maker Apple jam making, Costco churros, Korean mom using kitchen tools that make living easier American daily vlog