10/20/24 10am Mass - 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time

10/20/24 10am Mass - 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Music is being streamed with permission under Onelicense.net #A701776. All rights reserved. Celebrants - Father Sparrow Readings: 1st - Isaiah 53:10-11 2nd - Hebrews 4:14-16 Gospel - Mark 10:35-45 Songs: Opening - Lord Whose Love in Humble Service (Worship 780) Psalm 33 - Let your mercy be on us, O God, as we place our trust in you. (Worship 45) Dismissal of Catechumens - May You Journey in Faith (right after homily) Preparation - O Christ, What Can It Mean for Us (Worship 567) Communion 1 - Draw Near (Worship 935) **Communion 2 - I Receive the Living God (Worship 923) Communion Anthem - O Sacrum Convivium (sung by the parish choir) Closing - The Spirit Sends Us Forth to Serve (Worship 787) **may be omitted in lieu of Communion Anthem