December 24: Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols@ Lincoln Park Presbyterian, Chicago

December 24: Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols@ Lincoln Park Presbyterian, Chicago

Join us this Saturday, December 24th, at 7:00 pm for our hybrid worship including in-person and Livestream! We invite those who are able (feeling well) and feel comfortable to come to worship in person using our various safety protocols (you can find these on the homepage of our website at Portions of this service have been pre-recorded.* Permission to reprint, podcast, and/or stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License No. A-704717 and CCS WORSHIPcast, License No.13030. All rights reserved. ============================================================================== You can make your donation by clicking the link below. Please visit our homepage for more information about LPPC. LPPC Homepage : Facebook :   / lppcchicago   Instagram :   / lppresbyterianchurch