Stains’ MASTERY Is Finally Complete. (Heroes Battlegrounds) | ROBLOX
i couldnt even land much of the new stuff cause this ult is so BADDD FDSDDFAFE https://x com/NotSoSunnyy_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Songs used; • Mob Psycho 100 Soundtrack - Kyoutou t... • Frederic - Oddloop 「オドループ」 (Instrumen... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tags ignore: #roblox #thestrongestbattlegrounds #heroesbattlegrounds heroes battlegrounds my hero battlegrounds heroes battlegrounds new update how to get vigilante deku heroes battlegrounds roblox heroes battlegrounds roblox heroes battlegrounds new update roblox heroes battlegrounds vigilante deku heroes battlegrounds shigaraki ultimate heroes battlegrounds shigaraki awakening heroes battlegrounds vigilante deku combo heroes battlegrounds vigilante deku ultimate heroes battlegrounds vigilante deku showcase vigilante deku new ultimate