Bioshock 2 | Siren's Alley FULL Level HARD
The best level because of the Spear Gun... until THEY MESSED UP THE PINNING BODIES ONTO THE WALLS WITH IT. Still pretty good level, looks absolutely stunning compared to other Bioshock levels. Bioshock 2 Remastered playthough Levels: Adonis Luxury Resort Atlantic Express Ryan Amusements Pauper's Drop Siren Alley (Current Video) Dionysus Park Fontaine Futuristics Outer Persephone Inner Persephone Mods used to ENHANCE BioShock 2: Bioshock 2 Remastered Crash "Fix": https://www.nexusmods.com/bioshock2/m... Full Screen Cutscenes: https://www.nexusmods.com/bioshock2/m... HD Texture Pack: https://www.nexusmods.com/bioshock2/m... No Enemy Health Bar: https://www.nexusmods.com/bioshock/mo... Reflective Water Surfaces: https://www.nexusmods.com/bioshock2/m... #bioshock2 #bioshock Got to get that viewership..or try Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 0:45 This Daddy Ain't Dead Yet 2:30 Daddy Time 33:00 Spear Gun 33:15 Penetrating Time 49:25 AMBUSH 52:15 Onto The Pump Station 1:15:42 Big Sister Time 1:16:45 Daddy Time 1:30:20 Defeating Simon Wales 1:32:04 Leaving Siren's Alley 1:34:00 RUN or SWIM