“Enchanted” - Rev. Shelby Etheridge Harasty
Sunday, March 2, 2025 Today is Transfiguration Sunday. In this story, Peter tries to fit this wondrous moment into something more familiar. We do this with our faith all the time. Sometimes though, God invites us not just to understand, but to be amazed. And like the disciples, Jesus urges to pay attention even when we’re tired, anxious, and weighed down. What might we hear if we take a moment to listen? Are we willing to be enchanted? Preaching: Rev. Shelby Etheridge Harasty Sermon Title: “Enchanted” Scripture Readings: Exodus 34: 29-35 Luke 9: 28-36 . Join us every Sunday at 10:30am in-person or online. All are welcome and affirmed! . . Learn more about weekly activities at darnestownpc.org . . IG: @darnestownpres FB: Darnestown Presbyterian Church