Chapel Battle Scene - Cap. Vs Sidewinder - Opening Scene Explained   Captain America Brave New World

Chapel Battle Scene - Cap. Vs Sidewinder - Opening Scene Explained Captain America Brave New World

Chapel Battle Scene - Cap. Vs Sidewinder - Opening Scene & Movie Clip Explained Captain America Brave New World Plot Summary: The newly elected President of the United States, Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross (Harrison Ford), gives the new Captain America instructions to go to Oaxaca, Mexico, and pursue a mercenary outfit called the Serpent Society, which is commanded by Sidewinder (Giancarlo Esposito). Cap finds them and follows them to a chapel, where he fights with the help of his wings and shield. After eliminating the mercenary, he heads for Sidewinder, who is trying to capture hostages. After protecting them, Sidewinder flees, but Cap is restrained by battling a bigger thugs. Joaquin, in the meantime, dons his Falcon outfit to pursue further mercs and stop a shipment that the Serpents were attempting to deliver to an unidentified customer. Joaquin receives the gift while Cap thrashes the final thugs. Sam Wilson, played by Anthony Mackie as Captain America, is an Avenger and former pararescueman who received military training in aerial combat with a specially made wing pack. Wilson's Captain America is an underdog, like Rocky Balboa in the Rocky movie series, according to producer Nate Moore, as he lacks the skills and allies of the previous Captain America, Steve Rogers. After asserting the mantle without backing, Wilson must earn it.[8] According to director Julius Onah, Wilson will be seen "stepping up to be the leader as Captain America" in the movie.