11 Signs Your Dog Has Worms (With Tips To Handle) | Vet Shares | Dog Health Problems | PetsMond
If you're like most dog owners, you want to do everything you can to keep your pup healthy. That's why it's important to be aware of the signs that your dog might have worms. In this video, we provide 11 common signs of worms in dogs. Knowing what to look for can help you get treatment for your furry friend as soon as possible! 1. Your dog is losing weight, even though they're eating the same amount of food. 2. Your dog is scooting. 3. Your dog has diarrhea or loose stools. 4. Your dog's stools are bloody or tarry. 5. Your dog is vomiting, especially if their vomit contains blood or looks like coffee grounds. 6. Your dog has abdominal pain or bloating. 7. Your dog's coat is dull, dry, and/or shedding more than usual. 8. Your dog is scratching their anus or bottom frequently. 9. You see worms in your dog's stool or vomit. The most common are roundworms, tapeworms, and hookworms. All of these worms live in the dog's intestines and feed off their food. This can cause weight loss, diarrhea, and anemia. 10. Your dog has a cough that won't go away, or you hear them wheezing when they breathe. 11. Your other pets are showing signs of illness Dogs can get worms from lots of different sources - other dogs, contaminated food or water, even exposure to dog feces in the environment. And once your dog has them, they can easily pass them on to you or your other pets. #dogcare #dogbehavior #animals, how to treat worms in dogs,how to remove worms in dogs,how to treat intestinal worms in dogs,how to treat heartworms in dogs,how to treat tapeworms in dogs,how to get rid of worms in a dog,worm,worms,dog,puppy,vomit,vomiting,diarrhea,vet,veterinarian,veterinary,roundworms,round,intestinal parasites,intestinal parasite,intestinal worm,intestinal worms,mother dog,puppy,rescue,animals,pets,rescue animal,kitten,puppies,kittens,mother cat,animal life,dog save,cat save,tapeworm in dogs,worm,white worms in dog poop,tapeworm,tapeworm in puppies,worms in dog stomach,worms in puppy stomach,tapeworms in puppy stomach,dog health,puppy health,do puppies get tapeworms in stomach?,do dogs get worms in their stomach?dogs,fleas,heartworms,parasites,humane,animal,animals,help animals,dog,cat,pets,south carolina,animal rescue,rescue,rehabilitation,care,animal rescue team,bonding,fighting,federal,best animal rescues,best of the year,most inspiring animal rescues,wild animals rescues,unbelievable,animals,saved,rescue,animal rescues,animal helps,heartwarming,inspiring animal rescues,puppy,animal,save,most touching,amazing,inspiring animal story,inspiring,cats,brave heart,dog,kitten,exciting,unbelievable animal rescues,kind,unbelievable animals saving