LET GO Mental Blocks | Cleanse Self Sabotage, Fear - Release Inner Struggle & Self Doubt 528 Hz
Only visible to selected people. Not even 1 in 1000 is displayed. Those who can play will have a ridiculous miracle Thank you for watching the H's Room video. This channel mainly posts music that is effective for sleep and meditation. We also post videos of affirmations, Kotodama, the Law of Attraction (Murphy, Abraham), and more. Would you like to declare your desire in the comments section? (The law of pre-celebration, the law of attraction practiced by the ancient Japanese) It doesn't matter what you want, what you want to achieve, what reality you want to create. Please comment. for example "○○ has been realized. Thank you." Writing what has already been achieved in the past tense makes it easier for you to fulfill your wishes. By the subconscious, the law of attraction Writing in the past tense is the most effective. What is Solfeggio Frequency? 174Hz relieves pain and heals the aura of illness. It can relieve pain in the back, lower back, legs and legs. 174 Hz also addresses migraines and stress. It calms the brain tissue and evokes love, courage, safety, and peace of mind. 174 Hz is intended for the chakras and healing parts of the body. 285Hz is a solfeggio frequency that has the effect of "expanding and promoting consciousness from the multidimensional region". Specifically, it enhances the natural healing power of the body and balances the mind and body. 396Hz helps to get rid of people from fear and guilt, while at the same time helping to balance the root chakra and make you feel more calm. It is also known to turn sadness into joy and provide the necessary boost to reach goals. 417Hz is welcomed to promote changes in physical levels, including the physical body. It is also known to help eliminate traumatic emotions and emotional blocks. Some say it brings a new start to life. 528Hz may help facilitate transformations such as miracles, clarity, peace, and DNA repair. In many cases, it is said to help eliminate illness or illness. Called the "miracle note" and the frequency of love, it removes the body's toxicity, brings love and self-confidence, and balances the heart and epigastric chakras. 639Hz can help heal and promote relationships and reconnections. It is said to create positive feelings and promote harmony and clear communication. It may also help you build a better relationship with yourself and think about what is most important to you. 741Hz has been reported to be great for finding a variety of solutions, but you can express yourself honestly and / or completely in new ways. It is also rumored to improve emotional stability and provide space and safety for intuition. 852Hz is said to help you connect to your intuition and spiritual realm. Another benefit? It may prevent you from thinking too much or digging into negative thought patterns. As a result, your self-consciousness and inner strength are said to improve, and you reach a new level of energy and spiritual consciousness. 963Hz awakens your intuition and crown chakra. It's a great way to boost your positive energy and vibration. To get a deeper view of your inner surface, 963 Hz helps you connect with your inner surface and reach the highest vibrational conditions. In the right mood, you may reach a sense of unity and travel to the spiritual world. This frequency balances and returns to its original perfection. ・ What is affirmation? With the power of words, you will experience it in advance and raise your self-image. The important thing is to imagine yourself in the ideal future. Let's chant the word affirmation while realistically imagining yourself in the ideal future. ・ Why affirmation is important We act in line with our self-image at an unconscious level. It is self-talk, or words, that forms that self-image. I will adjust those words to the ones that are suitable for me in the ideal future. As a result, the self-image can be updated to the ideal future standard. By setting the mind as a new standard, you can change your thinking and behavior and seize opportunities. ・ Points to note when practicing affirmation The main character is myself. By making the subject me and continuing the affirmation, the subconscious mind is made aware of what should be done now. End in the present progressive tense In order to unknowingly rub in the fact that it is already in that state, it ends in the present tense as "I am already in the ideal state". Use positive words Continue to promote happy emotions, attitudes, and ways of thinking by throwing gutsy words at yourself. Continue until you realize your ideal The ideal state is not something that can be done overnight. First of all, please continue the affirmation for 3 days. If you continue, the effect will gradually appear. #SleepMusic#DeepSleep#H's Room##MeditationMusic #Meditation #SoundHealing #SleepMusic#DeepSleep#HsRoom#MeditationMusic #Meditation #SoundHealing#Solfeggio#music