Honcho Meaning in Hindi - HinKhoj Dictionary
Hello Friends! Honcho means the person in charge and Hindi meaning is प्रमुख. We choose this word as Word of the day with sentence example -According to a report, Dharma Productions honcho Karan Johar got the remake rights of the Telugu film Dear Comrade. Here Honcho is used as a noun. To find more meaning and word details clickhttps://dict.hinkhoj.com/hindi-dictio... #Honcho #KaranJohar #BollywoodNews Download Hinkhoj English Hindi dictionary app to learn vocabulary - https://dict.hinkhoj.com/install-app.php For more vocabulary tips and tricks , please visit our Website: https://dict.hinkhoj.com/ हमारी apps को download करने के लिए इन links पर click करें: HinKhoj: https://dict.hinkhoj.com/install-app.php Namaste English: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... HinKhoj blog https://blog.hinkhoj.com Follow us on Instagram at / hinkhoj