Yoga and Tarot for Ostara (Spring Equinox): The Empress (60 min)

Yoga and Tarot for Ostara (Spring Equinox): The Empress (60 min)

This class explores the energy of the spring equinox, also known as Ostara. It is a gentle, all-levels flow class where we also explore some of the themes of the season. We also look at the Empress Tarot card from the Modern Witch Tarot deck by Lisa Sterle and Chris Anne's Light Seer's Tarot Deck. Subscribe:    / @juliepeters   See more and book counseling or Tarot at Instagram:   / juliepeterswellness   Facebook:   / juliepeterswellness   Subscribe to my monthly newsletter: Disclaimer: This is general fitness only. Please check with your doctor or health care provider to see if this video is safe for you. You are responsible for your own safety. You are practicing this video at your own risk. Listen to your body and do not do anything that hurts or feels wrong. This video does not replace medical advice from a medical professional. Check with your healthcare practitioner before trying a new exercise to reduce and prevent injury. Julie Peters and Ocean and Crow are not liable in any way for any injury, loss, damages, costs, or expenses suffered by you in relation to this video or its content. Practising this class implies consent.