10-15-2024 City of Oak Harbor Council Meeting

10-15-2024 City of Oak Harbor Council Meeting

CALL TO ORDER Invocation - Led by ___ Pledge of Allegiance - Led by ___ Excuse Absent Councilmembers 1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 2. PRESENTATIONS a. Oak Harbor Public Schools Superintendent Michelle Kuss-Cybula 3. CITIZEN COMMENT PERIOD 4. CONSENT AGENDA a. Approval of Minutes: City Council Workshop of September 25, 2024, and City Council b. Approval of Payroll and Accounts Payable Vouchers 5. MAYOR & COUNCIL COMMENTS 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS & MEETINGS 7. ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS 8. CONTRACTS & AGREEMENTS a. Mutual Release and Hold Harmless Agreement for Fire Department Live Burn 9. OTHER ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION a. Washington State Department of Commerce Connecting Housing to Infrastructure Program Grant Application 10. REPORTS & DISCUSSION ITEMS a. Salary Commission Report and Order 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURN