George Harrison - When We Was Fab (Distant Past... Yet Eternal Pupmix)

George Harrison - When We Was Fab (Distant Past... Yet Eternal Pupmix)

For many yeas I've wanted an extended version of this magnifico song . That piano.... such a haunting feel of a time long past, something lost, yet never gone... Checks done... and amazingly it's not blocked!! ...well, not yet. Hope ya like this, a track that shockingly was not a big hit... No.25 in the UK!! ....I've just noticed! We've done three George Pupmixes in a row! All diferente tracks, diferente arteeets... just a coincidence! a number of tracks on this channel... can ya hear a certain name sneaked in here and there... I always try to use the actual singer saying/singing the name, but the singer hasn't used that word in a song... then I take bits of words, to make up another word, the name!! ..and it sure fits this song! Long time ago when we was (WERE!!!!!! lol) fab!