Semiya custard easy & creamy vermicelli fruit |सिर्फ १५ मिनट में बनाए सेवई कस्टर्ड #kitchenwithkavi
Semiya custard easy & creamy vermicelli fruit |सिर्फ १५ मिनट में बनाए सेवई कस्टर्ड #kitchenwithkavi #sevaicustard #fruitcustardrecipe #kabitaskitchen Preparation time - 15 minutes Serving - 4 Process: Heat 1 tsp of ghee Add 1/2 cup of sevai Roast it for 2-3 mins Add 1.5 cups of milk Add 1/2 cup of milk Add 1/4 cup of sugar Add 2 tsp of custard powder Add little water and stir it Once the vermicelli cooked, add custard batter Keep on stirring Turn off the flame Let it cool down completely Refrigerate it for one hour Serve in serving glass Add chopped fruits Garnish it with almond and pistachio Serve chilled Sevai custard recipe, fruit custard recipe, custard recipe, how to make fruit custard recipe, step by step fruit custard recipe, best dessert recipe, ये खाने के बाद मेहमान आपकी तारीफ करते नहीं थकेंगे. गर्मी से राहत दिलाएगा ये ठंडा ठंडा कस्टर्ड, सिर्फ १५ मिनट में बनाए ये सेवई कस्टर्ड Follow us on all platforms: / @kitchenwithkavi / kitchenwithkavi / kitchenwithkavi / kitchenwithkavi #sevaicustard #sevaicustardrecipe #sevaicustardrecipeeasy&creamyvermicellifruitcustard#sevaiyan #sevaicustardfaloodarecipe #sevaicustardkheer #sevaicustardcuprecipe #sevaicustardpudding #sevaicustardkaisebanaen #sevaicustardbananekatarika #sevaicustardfalooda #sevaicustardkaisebanatehain #sevaicustardrecipeeasy&creamyvermicellifruitcustard #sevaicustardfaloodaveryeasyandyummyrecipe #sevaicustardkaisebantahai #sevaicustardbananekirecipe #sevaicustardand #custardsewaibananekatarika #custardsewaifalooda #custardsewaikaisebantahai #sevaicustarddessert #sevaicustardcupsrecipe #custardsevaikheerrecipe #custardsewaibanana #sevaifruitcustardrecipe #teejspecialrecipe #ganeshchaturchi #navratrispecial #vartspecial