PORN: 5 Islamic Ways To Stop Watching Porn🗣️🤔 #shorts #selfcontrol #islam ‪@Themuslimvibe1902‬

PORN: 5 Islamic Ways To Stop Watching Porn🗣️🤔 #shorts #selfcontrol #islam ‪@Themuslimvibe1902‬

PORN: 5 Islamic Ways To Stop Watching Porn🗣️🤔 #shorts #selfcontrol #islam @Themuslimvibe1902 How to stop watching porn Overcoming porn addiction Quit porn guide Tips to stop watching porn How to stop Masterburate habit permanently Breaking free from pornography Porn addiction recovery tips Effects of pornography on the brain Healthy alternatives to porn Islamic way to stop watching porn Lowering gaze in Islam Pornography and spirituality Dua to stop watching porn Halal lifestyle and self-control Mental Health and Counseling Mental health effects of porn Therapy for porn addiction Porn addiction support groups #shortvideo #shortsfeed #shorts #subscribe #information #muslim #islam This video will end your porn addiction Here are five Islamic approaches to stop watching porn: 1. STRENGTHEN YOUR CONNECTION WITH ALLAH (Taqwa) Prayer (Salah): Perform your five daily prayers consistently. Salah is a means of seeking forgiveness and strength. Supplication (Dua): Ask Allah for help in overcoming this habit. Recite specific duas like "Ya Muqallib al-quloob, thabbit qalbi 'ala deenik" (O Turner of hearts, make my heart firm on Your religion). Fasting (Sawm): If you're not married, fasting can help control desires. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said fasting acts as a shield against sinful desires. 2. GUARD YOUR EYES (Lower Your Gaze) Practice ghadd al-basar (lowering the gaze) as instructed in the Quran (24:30-31). Avoid looking at images or videos that trigger lustful thoughts. Unfollow or block social media accounts, websites, or apps that expose you to inappropriate content. 3. SEEK KNOWLEDGE AND REFLECT ON ACCOUNTABILITY Learn about the spiritual harms of pornography. It corrupts the heart, weakens iman, and desensitizes a person to sin. Reflect on the Day of Judgment and the accountability of your deeds. Remember that Allah sees everything, even in private. Contemplate the Quranic verse: "And whatever you do of deeds, whether small or large, Allah is aware of it." (Surah Az-Zalzalah, 99:7-8). 4. REPLACE THE HABIT WITH HALAL ACTIVITIES Engage in productive activities such as sports, hobbies, volunteering, or learning new skills to divert your attention. Surround yourself with righteous company. Being with people who remind you of Allah can help you stay steadfast. 5. TAKE PRACTICAL STEPS TO BREAK THE CYCLE Install filters or accountability software: Use apps like Covenant Eyes or Qustodio to block pornographic content. Identify triggers: Understand what leads you to watch porn and avoid those situations or environments. By combining spiritual practices with practical strategies, you can overcome this habit, inshaAllah. Stay patient and persistent, and never lose hope in Allah's mercy. #StopPorn #NoPorn #PornFree #EndPornAddiction #BreakFreeFromPorn #FightPorn #PornDetox #OvercomePorn #NoFapJourney #ReclaimYourLife #IslamAgainstPorn #FaithOverDesires #LowerYourGaze #HalalLifestyle #StrengthenIman #StayOnTheStraightPath #TaqwaFirst #SpiritualHealing #SelfControl #DisciplineMatters #PersonalGrowth #MentalHealthAwareness #BetterVersionOfYou #FocusOnGoals #PositiveHabits #BreakBadhabit