The European Union in Bible Prophecy (Daniel 7 and Revelation 17)
Where does the European Union fit into Bible prophecy? What role will the EU play in the war between Russia and Ukraine? Will the EU develop a global fighting force? With Europe in the news, it seems we are edging closer to the fulfillment of end time prophecies. Is there a connection between the European Union and the ten kings of Daniel and Revelation -- the ten kings who are given power for one hour with the beast? Don't miss this fascinating study! Be sure to subscribe and share with family and friends! ******** WATCH NEXT "Russia in Bible Prophecy (Ezekiel 38-39) - War of Gog and Magog WATCH HERE ➡ • Russia in Bible Prophecy (Ezekiel 38-... 💥PRAYER WORKS IF YOU WORK IT - a book by Randal D. Reese Now Available on Amazon. Follow this link to purchase: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BQ9MBHC9 📒 Other Videos from Until That Day 📒 1️⃣ (Video) Gog and Magog (Ezekiel 38-39 and Psalm 83) ▶ • Gog and Magog (Ezekiel 38-39 and Psal... 2️⃣ (Video) Damascus Destruction of Isaiah 17 ▶ • Damascus Destruction of Isaiah 17 3️⃣ (Video) Revelation 12 Explained - The Woman and the Dragon (End Times Prophecy) ▶ • Revelation 12 Explained - The Woman a... 4️⃣ (Video) What's Right With the Pre-Tribulation Rapture? (Matthew 25; Revelation 19:15, 20:3) ▶ • What's Right With the Pre-Tribulation... 5️⃣ (Video) What's Wrong With the Pre-Wrath View of the Rapture? (Matt. 24; 1 Thess. 4:16-17; Rev. 7:9-10; 15) ▶ • What's Wrong With the Pre-Wrath View ... Every day, more and more people are becoming aware of the significance of Bible prophecy. God's Word is being fulfilled all around us. Learn to talk intelligently and spiritually with your loved ones about the things unfolding in our world today. Always consider first this question, "What does the Bible have to say about it?" ⚡ Book: Check out Church Now Kingdom Later here: https://www.amazon.com/Church-Kingdom... ⚡ Book: Check out Tomorrow's Revelation Calls for Today's Purification here:https://www.amazon.com/Tomorrows-Reve... Connect with Until That Day: / www.newrockycreek.org Email Until That Day: [email protected] Subscribe to Until That Day here: / @untilthatday About Until That Day: Until That Day Ministries is the outreach ministry of New Rocky Creek Baptist Church. Until That Day is committed to providing "on time truth you can trust," Biblical teaching thru days of deception. Until That Day teaches the biblical worldview concerning events going on in our world today. Dr. Reese holds a Ph.D. in Bible Prophecy. He is Pastor of New Rocky Creek Baptist Church in Mansfield, Georgia (30+ years). The European in Bible Prophecy (Daniel 7 and Revelation 17)