Sleeping Beauty |Read Aloud Kids Fairytales | Children Bedtime Stories | English Stories Reading

Sleeping Beauty |Read Aloud Kids Fairytales | Children Bedtime Stories | English Stories Reading

Read favorite stories and play games!“Fairy Tales” is a kid reading app with interactive mini games and fairy tales for children which makes reading more fun and entertaining!“Fairy Tales” is a marvelous collection of story books for kids that includes such bedtime stories for kids as:- Puss in Boots - for FREE- The Beauty and the Beast- Cinderella- Sleeping Beauty- The Three Little Pigs The Snow Queen- Little Red Riding Hood- The Princess and the Pea- Gingerbread man- Goldilocks and the three bears- The Tinderbox- Ugly Duckling- Rumpelstiltskin- The Three Spinners- The Wolf and seven little kids- The Enormous Turnip- Mother Snow- Aesop's Fables- Norton's New House by Arpad Olbey- The Realm of Sweet Dreams by Asa Guves #kidsrhymes #anime #childrensongs #fairytales #funnyshorts #funsongsforkids #redridinghood #stories #summercollection #summervibesdownload complete stories from Google App