From Time Waisters To Game Changers-The Brutally Honest Self Improvement Book Tier List
Most self-improvement books are overhyped garbage. In this video, I rank the most popular self-improvement books from Game Changers to books you should skip completely. If you want to know which books will actually change your life and which ones are a waste of time, watch this till the end. I cover books like The 48 Laws of Power, Atomic Habits, Think and Grow Rich, The Secret, and more. Some of these rankings might surprise you. Drop a comment and let me know which book helped you the most. And if you’re serious about leveling up, hit subscribe—I only talk about real self-improvement, not the sugarcoated nonsense everyone else is pushing. #Books #SelfHelp #BookReview #AtomicHabits #CanTHurtMe #RobertGreene #Mindset #Success #Productivity #Motivation #PersonalGrowth #TierList #Ranking #Habits #Discipline #MillionaireMindset #Reading #GrowthMindset #HighValueMan #Stoicism #Entrepreneurship #The4HourWorkweek #NoExcuses #SelfDevelopment self improvement books, best self help books, self help books tier list, atomic habits review, book ranking, must read books, motivational books, how to improve your life, book tier list, productivity books, books that change your life, self improvement for men, personal development books, how to be successful, discipline books, best books for success, business books, psychology books, millionaire mindset books, mindset shift, books for entrepreneurs