하늘을 보세요! | 다이센시, 아키타, 일본

하늘을 보세요! | 다이센시, 아키타, 일본

In this town, smiles come easy. Look up. A mysterious band of musicians appears in front of a high school boy, frustrated by his inability to play basketball due to an injury, and others who are feeling similarly downcast. As if prompted by the colorful band’s music, the townspeople raise their eyes towards the sky. What awaits them there? With accompaniment from the Omagari Philharmonic Wind Society, this short movie embodies Daisen City’s reputation as the town of fireworks. ■DAISEN CITY (ENG) http://www.city.daisen.akita.jp/conte... ---------------------------------------- ・Starring: Riku Hagiwara, Sakiko Kato, people of Daisen City ・Music: Londonderry Air (Irish folk tune) ・Adaptation: Yusuke Orita (TRI4TH) ・Performance: Omagari Philharmonic Wind Society ・Music producer: Taro Yoshikawa (Ongakushitsu Inc.) ・Recording engineer: Toshiya Kai (Ongakushitsu Inc.)