🔴 THE PITTSBURGH AMBUSH - The Last Of Us Part 1 Remake Gameplay Walkthrough #horror #tlou
Welcome To My Youtube Channel DI BANTU SUPPORT YA GUYS JANGAN LUPA LIKE DAN SUBSCRIBE GAME : The Last of Us™. Chapter 5 : Pittsburgh A final group of infected will emerge from the bushes to your left. Finish them off and return to the truck. As you push, the truck will eventually roll down the hill, allowing Ellie to get it started. You'll be ambushed by infected on all sides here, but the goal isn't to fight them. Run down the hill towards the truck when you reach the back Joel and Bill will hop in, initiating a final cutscene as they escape the scene. With Joel and Ellie back on the road, Bill's Town is officially done. It's time for the duo to head to Pittsburgh. The chapter will begin with a bit of a rough start for our two protagonists, as their car is rammed off the road and they're attacked by a group of bandits. follow Juga Acc Sosial Media Instagram :   / djapsuryanto  Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@youtopz?_t=8q... Yang Ingin Memberikan Untuk Channel ini Lebih Berkembang Saweria : https://saweria.co/youtopz #horror #gamehoror #survivalhorror #survivalgame #tlou #thelastofuspart1 #thelastofusremake #walkthrough #gameplay #horrorgames #horrorgaming #thelastofusremastered #YouTopZz #playstasion #joelmiller #thelastofushbo #Cordycepsbraininfection #elliewilliams #stealth #thelastofuspart1remake #bloater #pittsburgh #live #livestreaming