Cup EPC - Christmas Eve Service - 12-24-2024

Cup EPC - Christmas Eve Service - 12-24-2024

FESTIVAL OF LESSONS & CAROLS - Candlelight Service Meditation: Online Giving: Music/Lyrics used by permission under license: CCLI# 11399691 Website: Follow us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: @cupepchurch 00:00 - Intro 15:36 - Westminster Chimes and Announcements 17:50 - Opening Prayer 18:42 - Prelude: "Christmas" - Caleb Haas, Piano 24:30 - Call to Worship 24:45 - *Opening Carol: "How Great Our Joy" 27:00 - Lighting of the Christ Candle - The Simonds Family 29:36 - Special Music: "Pie Jesu" - Jale Haas & Sue Brandt 33:10 - First Lesson - "Isaiah 7:14-15" - Aiden Sutton 33:40 - *Carol: "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" 35:52 - Second Lesson - "Isaiah 9:2-7" - Shirley Bardes Hasson 37:18 - *Carol: "Angels We Have Heard on High" 39:38 - Third Lesson - "Luke 2:1-7" - Bryce Copeland 40:42 - *Carol: "Away In A Manger" 42:24 - Fourth Lesson - "Luke 2:8-15" - Theresa Cunniff 43:30 - Scripture Reading: "Ephesians 1:15-23" 46:00 - Sermon: "He Reigns" 1:01:36 - Communion Hymn: "O Come All Ye Faithful" 1:04:00 - Invitation, Lord's Prayer and Communion 1:04:00 - *Lighting of the Candles 1:18:00 - *Carol: "Silent Night" 1:22:20 - Fifth Lesson - "Luke 2:16-20" - Rev. Mark Simonds 1:22:48 - *Carol: "Joy to the World" 1:24:18- *Benediction 1:00:14 - *Congregational Response: "Go Tell it on the Mountain" (Refrain) 1:25:50 - Postlude