Overlanding and Culture - Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass on Mount Rubidoux in Riverside, California

Overlanding and Culture - Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass on Mount Rubidoux in Riverside, California

Overlanding can involve cultural surprises! While walking to the Santa Ana River Trail from Fairmount Park in Riverside, California, while my wife was playing Bluegrass in the park, I decided to walk over to the big hill that I had walked past before. I learned on this occasion that the hill is Mount Rubidoux. I also happily stumbled across a mass celebrating what was the upcoming Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Many people attending the mass dressed in native costume. It was a wonderful and beautiful surprise. A great background video on this feast from Chris Stefanick:    • Why did Aztecs Stop Human Sacrifice &...   #overlanding #ourladyofguadalupe #mountrubidoux #fairmountpark #riversidecalifornia #santaanarivertrail