BibleTime LIVE // Romans // Monday February 17
BibleTime is a daily time of devotion to God through live reading of the Bible, commentary and prayer! Logikos Ministries exists to help the world have a reasonable response to the reality of God. We do that through in person teaching and preaching, written content and curriculum, and digital missions. BibleTime is one of the ministries we offer. If you would like to go deeper with us in relationship and discipleship join our Online Discipleship Community (The OC for short) Find out more here: https://logikos.circle.so/c/start-here/ “May God bless you and keep you, make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you, lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace!” Numbers 6:24-26 -Craig Logikos Ministries LogikosMinistries.com #Bibletime #Jesus #Bible #Biblestudy #God #Relationship #Genuine #Seeking #Real #Life #Heartofthecitychurch #Daily #Bibleverse #Love #Jesuschrist #Church #Preaching #Gospel