EASY Step by Step Guide Trial 4: Normal - Muspelheim Trials Walkthrough | God of War

EASY Step by Step Guide Trial 4: Normal - Muspelheim Trials Walkthrough | God of War

In this video, I'm going to share some tips with you in case you're having a rough time completing Muspelheim's Trial 4: Normal in Give me God of War difficulty. You will have to defeat 100 enemies that will come at you in 15 different waves. 0:00 Intro + Explanation 0:57 Recommended Gear 2:24 Wave 1 2:41 Wave 2 3:03 Wave 3 3:25 Wave 4 3:37 Wave 5 4:04 Wave 6 4:18 Wave 7 6:35 Wave 8 6:49 Wave 9 7:10 Wave 10 7:27 Wave 11 7:44 Wave 12 7:58 Wave 13 8:08 Wave 14 8:28 Wave 15 8:43 Trial 4 Normal Rewards + Gow Videos GEAR RECOMMENDATION The most important is equipping the bitter squirrel runic summons that will unearth stones for you to use in combat. 2nd tip, take a detour to Niflheim and farm for any of the gear sets that you can find in that place. Each piece of any of those sets will grant a very small amount of constant health regeneration that can stack up to five times. 3rd tip, now that you're on Niflheim, if you decide to farm for a long time you could get yourself the Epic Mistbourne Axe Pommel that has a low Perk activation chance to grant Healing Mist on any successful hit. Healing Mist regenerates Health and increases Runic. WAVES: Wave 1, enemy count 100 - 91 you will face several dragr. There are a couple of lava pools and the precipice that you can use in your favor so you can speed things up. Wave 2, enemies 90 to 88 are a traveler and a couple of Dragr. Take the Dragr fast and focus on the traveler. Remember, go for single hits instead of lengthy combos to avoid being interrupted by his attacks, and (something that I learned a little late), switch to light arrows to weaken him and speed the process. Wave 3, enemies 87 to 85, 3 heavy Dragr. For these guys, the Charm of Infinite Storms comes pretty handy to avoid getting overwhelmed thanks to the protecting frost circle. You blast them off the cliff's edge with spartan rage or Hyperions Grapple, but if you're on cooldown, just keep your distance and use other runic attacks as soon as possible. Wave 4, enemies 84 to 79, Shield Dragr. These guys are easy, just don't forget to break their stance by double-pressing the shield button. Wave 5, enemies 78 to 72, Heavy Dragr with Flame Sword Dragr. This is probably one of the trickiest ones. Try to keep moving, and use the pillars on the arena to block the enemy's line of sight. Use Shock arrows and your runic abilities to bring the enemies down fast, trying to focus first on the sword guys and leave the heavy dragr for last. Keep your distance with your ax in case you are low on health and take your time. Wave 6, enemies 71 to 69, Double-axe Draugr. Easy-peasy, draw them near the cliff and throw them with your ax attacks. Wave 7, enemies 68 to 61, probably the most complicated one, Two travelers and multiple Ice throwing Hell-Walkers. Oh boy. Keep your distance at all times until you get rid of the throwing hell-walker guys. Once you are alone with the two travelers, just keep dodging their attacks until you find an opening to counterattack. For ve 8, enemies 60 to 55, Fire Throwing Dragr and Heavy Dragr. Take care of the throwing ones, leave the heavy for last and keep your distance. Wave 9, enemies 54 to 49, throwing Hell-Walkers and Double Axe Dragr, play a little bit defensively here, use the pillars to your advantage to block incoming projectiles while you battle with the dragr and if you're feeling confident, use your parry to return the projectiles to the enemies and finish them off. Wave 10, enemies 48 to 46, 3 apes. Another very dangerous run, keep moving and dodging so they attack each other, use your runic attacks to try to lower the health of one of the apes, and use him to attack the others. Wave 11, enemies 45 to 31, Sword Dragr and Shield Dragr. These ones will let you breathe for a while and lower your heartbeat, just take your time, use runic attacks, the ledge, or lava pools to finish them off. Wave 12, enemies 30 to 21, Multiple Dragr, same as the previous wave, just try not to get overwhelmed, and your good to go. Wave 13, enemy 20, an ape. Just one. You've dealt with 3 at once, so one lonely ape won't be a problem. Wave 14, enemies 19 to 11, Ice throwing Hell-Walkers, and Fire Throwing Dragr. Use the pillars to avoid being swarmed with projectiles and take them quickly using the Glaive Storm runic ability or any other attack. If you still have rage left, this is the moment to use it to bring their numbers down fast! FINAL STRETCH, Wave 15, enemies 10 to 1, last traveler, and a bunch of Dragr. As with other traveler encounters, make the rest of the enemies your priority while keeping an eye on the traveler. That PlayStation 5 gameplay for God of War, the new game in the beloved classic series by Sony Santa Monica Studio.#GodofWar ➡️ Follow me on Twitter!   / mrtequilavoicesubscribe   or become a member to support the channel!   / @abyxgaming