Viral Mutation Basics - Antigenic Shift and Drift, Reassortment, Recombination | Clinical Medicine
Given all the news on Bird Flu, Influenza, COVID-19, and more, we decided to put together a quick and dirty introductory review on viral mutations to better understand these viruses. 0:00 - 1:20 - Introduction 1:21 - 4:49 - Overview on Viral Mutation 4:50 - 11:16 - Antigenic Drift 11:17 - 15:15 - Genetic Reassortment and Antigenic Shift 15:16 - 18:35 - Genetic Recombination and Antigenic Shift Other Related Videos of Interest: Sepsis Basics - What Is It, What Does It Cause, And How To Manage It - Explained Clearly! • Sepsis Basics - What Is It, What Does... Marburg Virus - Ebola's Cousin Creates Stir - Disease, Symptoms, Transmission, Outbreaks, Treatment • Marburg Virus - Ebola's Cousin Create... West Nile Virus Basics- Transmission, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, Current Events • West Nile Virus Basics- Transmission,... Infectious Disease Playlist🦠 • Infectious Disease 👇DON'T MISS OUT - JOIN OUR PATREON COMMUNITY TODAY 👇 / whiteboardmedicine We appreciate the support! 📰👇SIGN UP FOR OUR FREE BIMONTHLY NEWSLETTER👍👍 https://whiteboarddoctor.m-pages.com/... Stay up-to-date on the most important medical, science, and healthcare news! COLLECTION OF PLAYLISTS: Critical Care Medicine 🚑 • Critical Care Pulmonology🫁 • Pulmonology Cardiology and ECG🫀 • Cardiology Nephrology🧂 • Nephrology Acid Base🧬 • Acid-Base Disorders Medical, Healthcare, and Science News📰 • Medical, Healthcare, And Science News Biostatistics and Research📊 • Biostatistics and Research Design Immunology🧫 • Immunology Laboratory Evaluation and Values🧪 • Laboratory Values Infectious Disease🦠 • Infectious Disease Obstetrics and Gynecology👶 • Obstetrics and Gynecology Procedures💉 • Procedures Endocrinology🎂 • Endocrinology ________________________________________________________________________ If you enjoy the content and feel inclined, here are some ways in which you can support us! Funds will go towards purchasing better equipment/software, dedicating more time to the channel, and continuing to strive towards taking this channel to the next level! PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_... YouTube Membership tab: It has a “Join” button at the top right corner of our Channel’s home page. We appreciate you! DISCLAIMER THIS VIDEO DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read, watched, or listened to on this video, or any other videos, reports, texts tweets or other sources. #mutations #genetics #antigenicshfit #antigenicdrift #infectiousdisease #medicaleducation