Margaritaville At Sea Islander Sparkling Brunch: Is It Worth the Price and Hype?

Margaritaville At Sea Islander Sparkling Brunch: Is It Worth the Price and Hype?

Join us as at Sparkling Wine Brunch on board Margaritaville At Sea's newest ship Islander! We check out this specialty upcharge restaurant to determine if it's worth the price. We share the menu, our selections and thoughts, and overall review of Sparkling Wine Bunch. Disclaimer: We are not responsible for hunger pains that might be caused by this video. ;) As always, thanks for joining us as we eat our way around the ship. Be sure to check out our entire Margaritaville At Sea playlist where you'll find ship tours, food reviews, and our full review of what we loved, didn't love, and hated! Fins up! -Mark and Rocky #margaritavilleatsea #margaritavilleatseaislander #cruisefood #foodreview #cruise #travel #sparklingwine #brunch