Lavender Oil Secrets to Eliminate Pests - MICE, RODENTS, FLIES,  TICKS, SPIDERS, BEDBUGS, MOSQUITOES


Lavender Oil Secrets to Eliminate Pests - MICE, RODENTS, FLIES, TICKS, SPIDERS, BEDBUGS, MOSQUITOES #lavenderoil #pestcontrol #pestremoval ‪@NaturalHealthRemedies‬ Using lavender to repel bugs can be a great way to keep your home and garden free of pests without having to resort to harsh chemicals. Lavender is a natural insect repellent that has been used for centuries to keep pests away, and has been proven to be effective against a variety of common bugs. It works by releasing essential oils that have a strong, sweet smell, which is unpleasant to certain insects and encourages them to stay away. In addition to its natural bug-repelling properties, lavender also has the added benefit of providing a pleasant smell in your home or garden. The scent of lavender can also be calming, which could help reduce stress and anxiety. Here is the best way to use lavender oil to repel pests. 1. Mice and other rodents. Lavender essential oil is probably the most popular option for keeping mice away. Not only is it easy to use, but mice hate the smell even more than other forms of lavender. Perhaps the most popular way to use lavender to repel mice is by making a spray using a lavender essential oil. Creating your own spray is economical, easy to do, and it can be sprayed just about anywhere you think that mice may spend time. Do be careful if you have pets, because using too much lavender essential oil can be harmful. To create your own lavender essential oil spray, you’re only going to need a few items: a spray bottle, real lavender essential oil and water. Some people add rubbing alcohol to the solution, but it’s not necessary. It’s very important to use pure lavender essential oil. There are lots of oils that claim to be lavender, but they are just artificially scented. Take your spray bottle and fill it 3 quarters of the way full. Drop in about 12 to 15 drops of the lavender essential oil, place the top on the spray bottle and give it a gentle shake. Now you’re ready to spray your solution in places where you have either spotted mice or think they’re hiding out. You will need to respray all the areas as soon as the lavender scent they hate begins to fade. Another simple way to use lavender for repelling mice is to place cotton balls treated with the essential oil around your house. Put about ten drops of the lavender essential oil onto each of the cotton balls you intend to use, place them in mouse-prone areas, and leave them alone. Since the scent of the oil tends to dissipate quite quickly, you’ll need to repeat this process often. If you don’t, the mice are going to come back as soon as the smell is gone.