Our Daily Bread ~ July 29, 2019

Our Daily Bread ~ July 29, 2019

#OurDailyBread #Devotions #Bible All for Nothing PSALMS 49-50 Romans 1 Today's reading Proverbs 7:10-27 Her house is a highway to the grave leading down to the chambers of death. When and where do you face temptations? How can you seek God's wisdom and help in turning from them? Today's Prayer ~ Holy Spirit I know I am powerless in my self to resist temptation. I need You. Help Me. Amen For more on overcoming addiction, see When We Just Can't Stop at www.discoveryseries.org/cb961 Welcome home, I pray that you will feel like you are walking in the front door of your safe place. The sense of love of family and friends inside. I will try to uplift you in every video I create. I find it so important to empower you to believe in yourself. Validate how important it is to face your fears. For it will turn into your talents. Faith is an amazing Gift. You will find a little of everything. For example I have just started a series called Our Daily Bread. I too enjoy finding a treasures at thrift stores or discounts. Oh, I am a grandma so I will be sharing some of my favorite dishes. Before I forget I love to decorate. I will be sharing my tips on ageing. There is a lot of grey ( I call my Glitter) in this hair. I am only getting younger. Being disabled since 2016 I am learning to manage my health care. So all I ask is to be patient and enjoy each of the videos. Capturing the amazing gift of life. Welcome home. Love Jay. Thank you for coming by today and visiting. If you have enjoyed the video you are more than welcome to click on the Red Subscribe button. Before I forget for I do have a lot of Glitter in the hair and only getting younger. Click on the Bell to be notified of the next video. Believe me I need all the reminders I can get. You too can find me on other social media's Please have an amazing day. Love Jana J Hernandez Remember to be good to yourself, Remember to be good to others for we do not know what part of their journey they are on. Hugs Sweet Angel. I do love you. www.JJayCollections.com Follow me:   / jjaycollections     / janajhernandez   www.JJayCollections.com Facebook Groups:   / jaysangelwings     / furrydozen     / achristmasangel     / elpasothebestkeptsecret     / jjayscuisine     / jjaycreativecollections     / jjaycollectionsphotography     / jjayhernandez     / janaj_hernandez     / jjaycollections_     / furrydozen     / jjayscuisine     / jjaycollections