Proven Ways To Boost Metabolism! Use These 3 Tips!
Discover this 24 Hr. Hormone RESET Diet 👉 http://gl12.net/ytprovenwaystoboostme... Hey, hey, out their Facebook fans and friends. If you're over 35 years old, you're in your 40s, 50s, or 60s, and you want to maintain a healthy weight, boost your metabolism, and optimize hormones, stop by and pay close attention because inside this video, I'm going to share 3 simple tips that my wife Karen and I both use to stay lean and healthy year-round, while looking years younger than our real age. My name is Shaun Hadsall. I'm a 47-year-old stubborn, fat professional. I'm also a grandfather to 5 beautiful grandkids. And people are always asking my wife Karen and I how we look so much younger than our real age, and they freak out when they find that we're grandparents. And 3 of the tips that I want to share inside this video are how we maintain a healthy weight, how we boost our metabolism, and how we optimize our hormones. We want the same benefits for you, and I know you can do it if you just follow these tips. Now I also want to share, over at my website, I want to introduce you to an innovative 12-minute protocol that is specifically designed for the current hormonal condition of people in their 40s, 50s, or 60s. This particular protocol has been scientifically proven to boost metabolism for up to 38 to 48 hours afterwards. It's also been shown to release growth hormone and adrenaline. These are 2 hormones that are responsible for boosting the metabolism, for allowing us to maintain a healthy weight, and allowing us to optimize other hormones. So the first strategy is to not eat 12 hours a day and use mini intermittent fasting 5 days of the week. Monday through Friday is a great way to start. If you're not familiar with intermittent fasting, this is a great way to do it because you won't get hungry. You won't get cravings, so it's simple. If you eat your last meal as say 7:00 PM, your first meal the next day will be 7:00 AM. What this allows the body to do is during that 12-hour fasted window, and you're sleeping the majority of their time, right, this kicks up the body's sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system is what's responsible for the body releasing growth hormone and adrenaline. So the second strategy goes right in conjunction with this, and this is about timing your meals before bed. So what Karen and I do is we don't eat at least 1 to 2 hours before bed. Now, if you eat healthy food before bed, it's not necessarily going to make you gain weight. We've discovered through scientific studies now that that's really a myth. However, whenever you eat, you increase insulin. This is the hormone that's responsible for the body storing fat, and it also is the antagonist to growth hormone. So when insulin is elevated when you go to sleep, it can potentially block growth hormone from pulsing throughout the night. So the simple way to avoid doing this, or the simple way to optimize growth hormone while you sleep is to simply wait 1 to 2 hours after a meal before you go to bed. Now, the third and final strategy is to use specific movement patterns, specific rest periods, and specific intensity levels that are designed for your current hormonal condition. When I was 28 years old, I lifted heavy. I did lots of cardio. I ate 5 to 6 small meals a day. Now, it's 20 years later and my hormones have completely changed, so I approach exercise differently. I don't lift heavy using this equipment that you see in the background anymore. I use mostly my body weight. And I use movement patterns and intensity levels that kick up the sympathetic nervous system and force the body to release growth hormone. So hopefully, you got something out of this video. Click the link around here, go over to my website. You'll read an inspiring story about how I discovered this 12-minute protocol. Thanks for watching this. If you got something out of it, hit the Like button, share it. Tag a friend who is over 35 that's struggling and wants to maintain a healthy weight, wants to boost their metabolism, and wants to optimize hormones. Listen, I know you can do it. You just have to move and exercise differently than you did when you were younger. So thanks for watching this, and keep going strong.