Pull 표현 정리

Pull 표현 정리

#Love #you #all #so #much #for #watching ### "Pull" 관련 표현 정리 1 **You push and I’ll pull ** (네가 밀면 내가 끌게) *pull = to move something toward you, 끌다, 당기다* 2 **Pull the plug out ** (플러그를 뽑아라) *pull = to remove or take out, 뽑다, 빼다* 3 **Pull your chair nearer the table ** (의자를 식탁 더 가까이로 당겨 와) *pull = to move something to a specific place, 당기다, 끌다* 4 **Oxen are used to pull carts in this area ** (이 지역에서는 소가 달구지를 끄는 데 이용된다) *pull = to drag or haul something, 끌다* 5 **He tried to kiss her but she pulled away ** (그가 그녀에게 키스하려 했지만 그녀가 몸을 뺐다) *pull away = to move back or retreat, 물러나다* 6 **Pull the curtains—it’s dark outside ** (커튼을 치세요 밖이 어두워졌습니다) *pull = to open or close something, 커튼을 열거나 닫다* 7 **He pulled a muscle during the match ** (그는 경기 중에 근육을 다쳤다) *pull = to strain or injure a muscle, 근육을 다치다* 8 **Pull the lever to start the machine ** (기계를 작동시키려면 레버를 당겨라) *pull = to operate by pulling, 당겨서 작동시키다* 9 **The car pulled to the left as we drove ** (차가 운전 중 왼쪽으로 쏠렸다) *pull = to move or veer in a certain direction, 쏠리다* 10 **They pulled the boat toward the shore ** (그들은 보트를 해안으로 끌어당겼다) *pull = to row or move a boat using oars, 노를 젓다* 11 **The new movie pulled in large crowds ** (그 새 영화는 많은 관객을 끌어모았다) *pull in = to attract people, 끌어모으다* 12 **He pulled off a tricky move during the game ** (그는 경기 중 어려운 동작을 해냈다) *pull off = to succeed in doing something difficult, 해내다* 13 **The earth’s gravitational pull keeps the moon in orbit ** (지구의 중력이 달을 궤도에 머물게 한다) *pull = gravitational force, 중력* 14 **The magnetic pull of the city was irresistible ** (그 도시의 매력은 저항할 수 없었다) *pull = attraction, 끌어당김* 15 **She took a deep pull from her cigarette ** (그녀는 담배를 깊게 빨아들였다) *pull = inhalation, 빨아들임* 16 **He used his connections to pull strings for the promotion ** (그는 승진을 위해 연줄을 이용했다) *pull strings = to use influence, 연줄을 이용하다* 17 **The army was ordered to pull back from the front line ** (군대는 전선에서 후퇴하라는 명령을 받았다) *pull back = to retreat, 후퇴하다* 18 **Renovating the house pulled down the family’s savings ** (집을 개조하는 데 가족의 저축을 탕진했다) *pull down = to deplete resources, 낭비하다* 19 **He managed to pull through after the accident ** (그는 사고 후에 회복에 성공했다) *pull through = to recover, 회복하다* 20 **She pulled off an incredible victory in the final match ** (그녀는 결승 경기에서 놀라운 승리를 거두었다) *pull off = to achieve something difficult, 성취하다* 21 **Pull yourself together and face the challenge ** (정신 차리고 그 도전에 맞서라) *pull yourself together = to regain composure, 정신을 차리다* 22 **The car pulled over to the side of the road ** (그 차는 도로 가장자리로 차를 세웠다) *pull over = to stop a vehicle, 차를 세우다* 23 **The train pulled away from the station ** (기차가 역을 떠났다) *pull away = to start moving, 떠나다* 24 **His constant negativity pulled her down emotionally ** (그의 지속적인 부정적인 태도가 그녀를 정서적으로 무너뜨렸다) *pull down = to bring someone’s mood down, 기운을 꺾다* 25 **The advertisement pulled in a lot of new customers ** (그 광고는 많은 새로운 고객을 끌어들였다) *pull in = to attract, 끌어들이다* 26 **The car pulled up in front of the hotel ** (그 차는 호텔 앞에 멈췄다) *pull up = to stop a vehicle, 멈추다* #daily #english #vocabulary