THE TWELFTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST August 11, 2024 - 10:00 AM Officiant: The Reverend Kristine Leaman Lector: Abby Stanek Server: Abby Stanek Organist: Kathleen Schreier Cantors: Austin Sorenson Sean O'Connor Rodney Henderson Drums: Denis Kelleher Bass: Steve Kelleher Altar Guild: Sharon Stroh Opening Hymn: "Gather The People" Insert "Gloria" Hymnal S-280 Epistle: Ephesians 4:25-5:2 Psalm 130 - BCP Page 784 Gospel: John 6:35, 41-51 Prayers of the People Form VI -- Page 608 - BCP Offertory Hymn "A Place At The Table" Insert "Holy, Holy, Holy" Hymnal S-125 DIOCESAN PRAYER: Holy God of abundance and life, we thank you for the gift of the Episcopal Church and the Diocese of Iowa in which we live out your call. Stretch our minds and the capacity of our hearts as we learn and grow into the community of disciples that you dream of. Send your Holy Spirit to guide us as we seek your plan for the future of this diocese. Enliven our faith as we learn to take risks in following Jesus. Strengthen us as one church, one diocese, united in Christ's love, and bring us in joy to the day when we step out of the boat and dance on the water, in the name of Jesus, who calls us. Amen. Closing Hymn: "Lead Me, Lord" Insert ANNOUNCEMENTS: We wish a Happy Birthday to Ron Thoma, John Daniel, and Mary Duro and all those celebrating birthdays this week. We wish God's blessings for many more happy, healthy years ahead. We also wish a Happy Anniversary to John and Mary Duro and to all those celebrating an anniversary this week. We give Thanksgivings for the households of John F. & Victoria Daniel and Mary Kay Daniel - May their homes be places of peace and grace. Donation Reports are available to be picked up after the service or in the office. The Change for Change Donations for the month of August are going to Brushy Creek Honor Flight. This organization takes military veterans to Washington D.C. in order to see some of the famous monuments dedicated to war heroes. "Caring Conversation" meets at 5:30 PM on Tuesday, August 13, in Taylor Hall. The Vestry will be meeting Wednesday, August 14, at 6:00 PM. weebly -- The new and improved St. Mark's website is officially published! Please check it out! The new site is: