Sigma Bot Quick Start Guide
Main Chat: https://t.me/SigmaBotPortal French group: https://t.me/SigmaBotPortalFR Chinese group: https://t.me/SigmaBotPortalCN Buy bot: https://t.me/Sigma_buyBot Guide: https://docs.sigma.win / sigmatradingbot 00:00 Introduction - Overview of Sigma Bot 00:53 Launching the Bot on Telegram 01:19 Setting Up Your Wallet 02:00 Funding Your Wallet 03:27 Selecting and Changing Blockchain Networks 04:25 Using Manual Buyer 05:00 Using Auto Sniper 06:03 Buying Tokens - Example with Roost Token 07:10 Viewing Token Information and Presets 08:06 Anti-Rug Feature and Slippage Settings 09:00 Completing a Purchase 09:50 Viewing Your Positions 10:17 Selling Tokens and Limit Orders 11:38 Creating and Importing Wallets 12:54 Transferring Tokens Between Wallets 14:52 Advanced Settings - Gas and Buy Presets 16:26 Conclusion - Summary and Next Steps