2024-12-29 11:00 AM  “Do we need to change our perspective?”

2024-12-29 11:00 AM “Do we need to change our perspective?”

First Sunday After Christmas, December 29, 2024 Prelude Welcome Call to Worship Hymn 153 "Joy to the world" (v2&4 in French) Prayer of Adoration Prayer of Confession Declaration of Grace The Lord’s Prayer Children’s Time Hymn 165 "O little town of Bethlehem" (v3 in French) Responsive Reading: Psalm 148 Gloria Patri 1 Samuel 2: 18 – 20, 26 (en français – English on the screen) Colossians 3:12-17 Luke 2:41-52 Sermon: “Do we need to change our perspective?” Confession of Faith - The Apostles’ Creed Hymn 166: "Once in royal David’s city" Offering and Offertory Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession Hymn 168: "See amid the winter’s snow" (v4 in French) Benediction Go now in peace Postlude St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church - St. Lambert https://standrews-stlambert.ca/ https://standrews-stlambert.ca/contact/ https://standrews-stlambert.ca/catego... https://standrews-stlambert.ca/donate/