3 Signs You Have Good Child Complex, Not Authentic

3 Signs You Have Good Child Complex, Not Authentic

Good child syndrome refers to a child who aims to meet their parents' expectations the whole time and be an angel in their parent's eyes. In a world that often celebrates the qualities of the "good child" and prizes conformity, it's essential to recognize the signs of an authentic self versus a persona shaped by societal expectations. In this thought-provoking video, we'll explore three key signs that may indicate you're struggling with a "Good Child Complex." #childhood #trauma Writer: Brandi Ortiz Editor: Morgan Swift Script Manager: Kelly Soong Voice Over: Amanda Silvera Animator: AwesomeKick Youtube Manager: Cindy Cheong To learn more about how your parents can affect you, watch our other videos, “4 Parenting Styles and Their Effects On You”    • 4 Parenting Styles and Their Effects ...   and “How Your Upbringing Shapes Your Personality.”    • How Your Upbringing Shapes Your Perso...   Grab PSI plushy here: https://psych2go.shop/products/psych2... Discount code: "Loyalty" to get 15% off. Only first 50 people. Official Discord:   / discord   Provide Feedback for this video: https://forms.gle/B1JAxZKn9XvJpXUQ7 Our Philantrophy Channel:    / @psych2gophilanthropy   REFERENCES: Cherry, K. (2022, November 7). What Is Love? Verywell Mind. www.verywellmind.com/what-is-love-2795343 Gaba, S. (2019, July 24). Stop Seeking Validation from Others. Psychology Today. www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/addiction-and-recovery/201907/stop-seeking-validation-others Markham, L. (2017, September 10). Do You Want to Raise an Obedient Child? Psychology Today. www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/peaceful-parents-happy-kids/201709/do-you-want-raise-obedient-child#:~:text=Obedient%20children%20grow%20into%20obedient,unquestioning%20obedience%20isn%27t%20healthy Wood, A. (2019, November 15). Good Child Syndrome. Natural Parent Magazine. thenaturalparentmagazine.com/good-child-syndrome/ (2022, February 7). What you need to know about 'Good Child Syndrome'. Teensavers. www.teensavers.com/post/what-you-need-to-know-about-good-child-syndrome#:~:text=Good%20child%20syndrome%20refers%20to,will%20meet%20their%20parent%27s%20disapproval