Baby Alice and Mom learn colors with boxes #kids #kidsvideo #funny #shorts

Baby Alice and Mom learn colors with boxes #kids #kidsvideo #funny #shorts

Chris learns that fruit ice cream has less sugar, more vitamins, and real fruit pieces that make it a better choice. πŸŠπŸ’ Join them as they have a blast mixing and tasting, and let's all scream for healthier ice cream! πŸŽ‰ Lesson Learned: Sometimes, making a healthier choice can also be a tastier one! It's important to know what's in the food you eat, and choosing options like fruit ice cream can be both yummy and good for you! 🍏🍦 Lesson Learned: Sometimes, making a healthier choice can also be a tastier one! It's important to know what's in the food you eat, and choosing options like fruit ice cream can be both yummy and good for you! 🍏🍦 Kids learn to eat healthy food and drink water Alice learns to choose healthy food Chris makes a Sand box and plays with Sand Kids learn to help and organize their day Alice learns colors by sorting clothes Kids learn to count and save environment Vlad and Niki - Summer joy and fun in the pool! Alice learns animals and what they eat Kids learn to share toys with friends Learn colors with toy cars and garages Alice's Birthday party for kids Chris learns the safety rules in the pool Alice learns colors with Dolls Chris learns to be polite and share food Kids learn not to lie and not to take other’s food Kids learn to clean up after themselves Kids learn the rules in the cinema Kids learn how harmful it is to play on the phone for too longKids learn what Wind is Kids learn to be responsible and respectful Chris learns to keep a healthy and balanced diet Chris makes playdough toy car - New Vlad&Niki Game for kids Baby Alice and Mom learn colors with boxes Kids learn to wash hands before eating Kids learn the Water Cycle - Cool science experiment! Chris learns to switch from mobile gaming to outdoor games Kids learn to share with friends Kids learn Airport rules - Useful story for kids Kids learn to respect each other and play together #kids #kidsvideosforkids #kidssongs #kidsmovies #kidscartoons #kidzbop #kidsmusic #kidsshows #kidsdancesongs #kidsyoutube #kidzbop2024 #kidsshorts #kidsyoga #kidslearningvideos #kidsmgmt #kidsand #kidsanddogs #kidsandfamilymovies #kidsandanimals #kidsandcats #kidsandtractors #kidsandtoys #kidsandhorses #kidsandfamily #kidsandpuppies #kidsandcars #kidsandkids #kidsandcops #kidsandheroes #kidsandpets#kidsfunnyvideo #kidsfunnyvideoand