This is a comprehensive guide on trimming your Blue Spruce & Norway Spruce trees. The best time to trim the lower branches and limbs is in late winter on this type of tree. If you have a deciduous tree or other species, I recommend researching the best time of year. LINKS TO TOOLS AND ITEMS USED IN THIS VIDEO: MILWAUKEE M12 HATCHET: https://homedepot.sjv.io/jW2JAe MILWAUKEE M18 ARTICULATING HEDGE TRIMMER: https://homedepot.sjv.io/GjqR3V QUESTION OF THE DAY: Would you trim up the bottom branches or leave it alone? Would you trim it up farther or is it good? SOCIALS- PLEASE STOP BY, SAY HI & FOLLOW! INSTAGRAM: / markthomasbuilder TWITTER: / markthomasbldr FACEBOOK: / markthomasbuilder Check out my Amazon Page, which features some favorite items I recommend: https://www.amazon.com/shop/markthoma... 🎥 MY CAMERA GEAR- RECOMMENDATIONS CANON 80D DSLR CAMERA BODY: http://amzn.to/2sSp6Em 🎼 MUSIC BY: https://player.epidemicsound.com/ Deuces, by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com) Music from https://filmmusic.io: Licence: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b...) Additional music licensed the YouTube Audio Library Thanks for watching and supporting my channel! There will be more tool reviews to come. I would like to thank The Milwaukee Tool Company and The Home Depot for supporting my channel and making this video possible. Please consider subscribing and hitting that bell icon to be notified of future tool videos and the next mower video to be launched in early spring. TIMECODES: 0:00 Intro to the tree that's going to have bottom limbs removed. 0:54 Removing an invasive tree vine. 1:37 Removing bottom branches from a spruce tree. 2:54 Taking a M18 Articulating Hedge Trimmer to Spruce Tree. 4:03 3-Cut method technique for removing tree limbs. 5:02 Illustration how a tree grows after removing limbs. 6:46 What are your thoughts after seeing this video? 7:34 Suggested video playlist on tree care. #HomeDepot #THDProSpective #nothingbutheavyduty #milwaukeetool #HomeDepotPartner