Bearwood Baptist Sunday Service @ 10.30 Advent 4: Love - Agape 22-12-24

Bearwood Baptist Sunday Service @ 10.30 Advent 4: Love - Agape 22-12-24

Bearwood Baptist Sunday Service @ 10.30 Advent 4: Love - Agape 22-12-24. You are very welcome to join us for our Nativity Service this Sunday morning for one of our four Advent Services in 2024. You can find us on the corner of Rawlings Road and Bearwood Road (B66 4HA). The service is broadcast live if you can't join us, but we'd love to see you if you can. We're continuing our series on Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. Today is Love, Agape in Greek. What does love mean in scripture? Where do people look for love? Is love the answer to all of life's problems? Rod is speaking and leading. Jonathan will be leading sung worship. There is a Sunday School during the main talk around the back. Please do join us if you're 3-11 years old. Worship will include prayer, Bible readings, an offering, family news and worship, and a biblically-based talk every Sunday. Songs will include some ancient, and some modern and some Christmasy! Hebrews 10:25: 'Do not give up meeting together...but [come together to] encourage one another.' Come and join us today and feel the warmth and encouragement of coming together. Giving: we would never demand any payment from you but any contributions are vital in supporting the mission of Bearwood Baptist Church in our community and beyond - we cannot do this without your invaluable support. We rely on your direct support and donations. Thank you. Please contact Sue Coates, our Treasurer, if you feel you can support the mission of this church in Bearwood and