[FREE] Emotional XXXTENTACION Type Beat 2023 - "My Revenge”

[FREE] Emotional XXXTENTACION Type Beat 2023 - "My Revenge”

[FREE] Emotional XXXTENTACION Type Beat 2023 - “My Revenge” Message me through my Linktree Linktree: linktr.ee/seanparkermusic BPM: 140 Key: C Major This XXXTENTACION Type Beat was inspired by X's hit song, "Revenge." The song uses a similar acoustic guitar and slow drum pattern that I used in this beat. I mainly wanted to capture the dark vibe of the song, but I also wanted to add in a faster pace. Feel free to checkout my channel for more type beats :) Usage Terms: This beat is free for non-profit as long as I am credited in the title or description of the beat. (Ex: "Title" Prod. By Sean Parker) To lease a beat for profit, email me through my Linktree for prices, Beat Bundles, and more. Make sure to message me if you have any questions. Tags: #freeforprofit #typebeat2023 #freetypebeat #typebeat #hiphopbeats #flstudio #music #freestyle #sad #sadtypebeat #sadbeat #sadfreestylebeat #xxxtentacion #xxxtentaciontypebeat #xxxtentaciontypebeat2023 #xxxtentcaiontypebeatfree #sadxxxtentaciontypebeat #17typebeat #guitarbeat #freeguitarbeat #sadguitarbeat #sadguitarbeats #guitarbeatfree #emotional #emotionaltypebeat #juicewrld #juicewrldbeats2023 #juicewrldfreestyles #juicewrldtypebeat #juicewrldtypebeat2023 #juicewrldtypebeatfree #juicewrldtypebeatfreeforprofit #xtypebeat #sadxtypebeat #emotionaltypebeatfree #revengetypebeat #lilpeep #lilpeeptypebeat2023 #lilpeeptypebeatfreeforprofit #lilpeeptypebeatfree #nickmira #nickmiraguitarbeat #nickmiratypebeat #internetmoney #internetmoneytypebeat #tokyosrevenge #tokyosrevengetypebeat #sadtokyosrevengetypebeat #tokyosrevengetypebeatfree #postmalone #postmalonetypebeats #postmaloneguitarbeat #freepostmalonetypebeat #freepostmalonebeat #postmalonebeatfree #postmalonetypebeatfree #emorap #emorapsongs #emoraptypebeat #freeemotionalbeat #freeemorapbeat #freeemoraptypebeat #emorappers #emorapbeat #guitarrapbeat #guitarraptypebeat