7th Sunday in Ordinary Time | 10:00 AM | Saints Joachim & Anne, Shakopee

7th Sunday in Ordinary Time | 10:00 AM | Saints Joachim & Anne, Shakopee

7th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 19, 2023 - 10:00 AM 2023.02.19 | eSJA English Connect with the Parish: Website: www.ssjacs.org Tithe: https://ssjacs.org/tithe Facebook:   / shakopeecatholic   YouTube:    / @saintsjoachimanneshakopee4258   Flocknote: https://ssjacs.flocknote.com/dashboard About the Parish: The Parish of Saints Joachim and Anne is a welcoming family of faith. We are proudly Catholic, rooted in the teachings and sacraments of the Catholic Church and guided by our shepherd, Archbishop Bernard Hebda. We are stewards of three beautiful church buildings and a thriving private Catholic school, built by the faith and heroic sacrifices of those who came before us and lived their faith here in Shakopee. Our mission is to follow Jesus Christ, live a life of generous Christian discipleship, and joyfully lead our families, neighbors, and all people to a loving relationship with our Savior by means of prayer and the sacraments, education, evangelization, and service. Our patrons, Saint Joachim and Saint Anne are the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary and grandparents of her divine Son, Jesus Christ. We count on their prayers and look to their example as we strive to be faithful to our mission here in Shakopee. Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us! About Our Broadcast Location: The St. Mark’s Campus was erected in 1856 using German Gothic styling. The stained glass windows hail from the family chapel of Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria. In August of 2005, a massive electrical fire blazed throughout the interior, eventually being put out with the help of over 150 firefighters from Shakopee and other surrounding cities. The church, originally designed to hold 600 people, was renovated from the inside out, with everything replaced except the stained glass windows and pews. Permissions & Copyrights: Excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal © 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Music livestreamed with permission under Onelicense.net # A-704032 and/or CCLI 3927646. Some recorded music during pre-Mass information loop, copyright notice: Rev. Clyde McLennan, performer in this collection, has assigned his performer rights in this collection to Hymnary.org.