Adding a Pocket to a Macrame Baseball Hat Hanger | Adjustable Macrame Hat Hanger
Hi friends! In this video I will show you how to add a pocket to this baseball hat hanger: • How to Macrame a Baseball Hat Holder ... the entire hanger is adjustable, so you can also criss-cross the straps, just watch this video: • MUST TRY!!! #shorts Let me know if you have any questions! Happy Knotting! Shop here for discounts! 10% off GANXXET macrame cord: https://www.ganxxet.com/?ref=CRE $15 off when you spend $100 on Ganxxet cord: http://rwrd.io/2cfd3u4?c 10% off Bobbiny cord: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MaCREmeByCr...