When Christmas Isn't Christmas | December 5, 2021 | The Bridge | Asbury Bham

When Christmas Isn't Christmas | December 5, 2021 | The Bridge | Asbury Bham

THE BRIDGE SUNDAY SERVICE Series: The Heart That Grew Three Sizes Robert Mercer Worship Set List: Unstoppable God - Elevation Starlight - Bethel Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) - U2 Joy To The World - Jeremy Riddle -------------------------------------------------------- CONNECT WITH US Facebook:   / asburybham​   Website: https://asburyonline.org/​ The Bridge Worship Songs: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6LW... Worship through giving: https://asburyonline.org/give/​ #asburybham​ #unitedmethodistchurch​ #contemporaryworship​ #modernworship​ #worship​ #thebridge​ #unstoppablegod #elevation #elevationworship #starlight #bethel #bethelmusic #christmas #babypleasecomehome #u2 #joytotheworld #jeremyriddle