Economics II Class 10  II CH - 1 II Money & banking II Lata maam

Economics II Class 10 II CH - 1 II Money & banking II Lata maam

Economics – Class 10 Chapter 1: Money & Banking This chapter covers the fundamental concepts of money and banking, explaining their role in the economy. It explores: Money: Definition, evolution, and functions of money (medium of exchange, store of value, unit of account, and standard of deferred payment). Types of Money: Commodity money, fiat money, and digital money. Banking System: Role of commercial banks, central banks, and the importance of credit in economic development. Functions of Banks: Accepting deposits, providing loans, issuing credit, and regulating the money supply. Reserve Bank of India (RBI): Its role in controlling inflation, monetary policy, and financial stability. The chapter provides insights into how money and banking facilitate trade, economic growth, and financial stability in an economy. SEO Keywords: Money and Banking Class 10 Economics Chapter 1 Money and Banking Functions of Money Class 10 Role of Banks in Economy Types of Money Class 10 Economics Banking System in India Functions of Commercial Banks RBI and Monetary Policy Importance of Banking in Economy Class 10 Economics Notes Hashtags: #MoneyAndBanking #Class10Economics #EconomicsChapter1 #FunctionsOfMoney #BankingSystem #CommercialBanks #RBI #MonetaryPolicy #Economy #educationalreels