How To Make 450$ in 5 hours SOLO (8 Lawns) 🌱Self-Employed Mowing Lawn Care Business 💼
#lawncarebusiness #smallbusiness #makingmoney #cuttinggrass #lawncare #lawn #lawnmower #mowing #cuttinggrass #lawncarelife #landscape #lawn2022 #lawncareservice #lawncarebusiness Hey guys welcome back to my channel I am grateful to have you guys here and watching my content in todays video I will be show you guys how I am about to make 450$ mowing grass as a 23 year old lawn care/ landscaping business owner. I will be talking about the day to day problems I run into and how simple it can be to make 450-500$ a day cutting grass. Working out doors, being my own boss and control my lifestyle is my major goals with running my business.